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Promoting A Small Business On A Small Budget by Helen Goldman

Friday, January 25, 11:30 a.m. at the Phoenix City Grille

$22 at the door cash or check; $23 credit card

Every business, regardless of its size, wants to maximize its advertising, promotion and marketing dollars. This is especially important for small businesses with limited resources. Helen will present steps that any business can implement to take advantage of low-cost, or even free opportunities.

About Helen

Helen Goldman’s business expertise ranges from Fortune 500 companies to ownership of several small businesses. Her current business, Primo Promos, is certified as a Women Owned Enterprise (WBE), a Small Business Enterprise (SBE), and as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). She was a certified vendor for the 2015 Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee. Goldman received her B.A. from Simmons College with a double major in Economics and Mathematics. She earned an M.B.A. from Western International University with an emphasis in Management.

Goldman is a member of Impact for Enterprising Women, W.I.S.K. (Women I Should Know), Human Services Professionals (HSP), RAIN Networking (Resource Awareness Information Network), CPR (Connecting Professional Resources), Greater Phoenix Mensa, as well as several local networking groups.

Goldman’s point of view is that business and fun are not incompatible concepts.

You can contact Helen at 602-404-8284 or

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